Saturday 13 November 2010


Feeling much better about stuff today (would have been massively better with the addition of breakfast in bed, but I had to settle for icing on my... anyway...). Not much craftyness planned for today -not that I ever plan- but I am making tiramisu for a dinner party tonight if that counts. I am try to single handedly make my friends as fat as I am. This should do it in one fell swoop :D

Headed to the costume shop today after my favourite second hand furniture store. where friends work and therefore give us discount. I like taking Jake there during the week too, furniture places are fantastic to play hide and seek in. Ikea don't take kindly to the practise though...

So, yes. New furniture, costume shop for batman costume, tiramisu and trip to bideford for yummy yarn I have been lusting after for a week now (might not be there anymore :'( ).

There's the plan.

Should probably eat something though too.



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