Saturday 20 November 2010


I have been crazy crazy this week. Jake's birthday, preparing stuff for the craft fair, cooking, cleaning, moral crisis's making sure no-one gets left out, trying not to lose my mind...

Anyway it's mostly over now and I'm trying to make as many things fr the fair next weekend as I can, but it's slow going. I've made some simple hairbands and flowers to go with them, and will probably try and make some more fingerless gloves too. I also have a bag of granny squares that I'm gonna sew into a fat shorty scarf. Hopefully will sell. Really I want to see whether or not it's feasible to start doing some craft fairs of my own. Not as a career, but mum did really well even before she opened the shop, just doing craft fairs. it would be good to have money coming in from something I really enjoy. Mum spent ages building up stock though which is why she did so well I guess.

That and she is very talented. Obviously.

I'm going to brave eBay for wool... Wish me luck?




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