Thursday, 25 November 2010

The Comapny

I feel very productive today. Updated all the information I can for my LRP event (Which is probably going to fail, because other people are going to other events around the same time. But never mind. The information is good, and the system is good, my plot is good. In fact... it's all good. I just wish it weren't so appallingly timed. Will hopefully feel better about it tonight after talking to the roleplay group. Hopefully. It all depends on who comes. But I can probably rely on a certain number of people.

I should have a site though and that's a start. Well, actually I've nearly finished really. Plots done, and we're finalising the rules. Not much to go really...

Monday, 22 November 2010

Good Time's. Bad Time's.

Ok, so I got lots done this weekend, whilst having fun, seeing my freinds, and family and not having any major crisis....

Then Monday happened. Woke up late, but managed to get das kinder to nursery not entirely massively humongously late. success... Get home, tidy bedroom, have coffee. Finish hat project and take pictures of said hat on boyfriend, also of apple coasters (which I love) and project bag.

Have now spent twenty of my thirty minutes attempting to get photo's of work onto Flickr. Only just found success.

In conclusion. Going to go home, start something new and hope tomorrow bring better things.



Saturday, 20 November 2010


I have been crazy crazy this week. Jake's birthday, preparing stuff for the craft fair, cooking, cleaning, moral crisis's making sure no-one gets left out, trying not to lose my mind...

Anyway it's mostly over now and I'm trying to make as many things fr the fair next weekend as I can, but it's slow going. I've made some simple hairbands and flowers to go with them, and will probably try and make some more fingerless gloves too. I also have a bag of granny squares that I'm gonna sew into a fat shorty scarf. Hopefully will sell. Really I want to see whether or not it's feasible to start doing some craft fairs of my own. Not as a career, but mum did really well even before she opened the shop, just doing craft fairs. it would be good to have money coming in from something I really enjoy. Mum spent ages building up stock though which is why she did so well I guess.

That and she is very talented. Obviously.

I'm going to brave eBay for wool... Wish me luck?




Saturday, 13 November 2010


Feeling much better about stuff today (would have been massively better with the addition of breakfast in bed, but I had to settle for icing on my... anyway...). Not much craftyness planned for today -not that I ever plan- but I am making tiramisu for a dinner party tonight if that counts. I am try to single handedly make my friends as fat as I am. This should do it in one fell swoop :D

Headed to the costume shop today after my favourite second hand furniture store. where friends work and therefore give us discount. I like taking Jake there during the week too, furniture places are fantastic to play hide and seek in. Ikea don't take kindly to the practise though...

So, yes. New furniture, costume shop for batman costume, tiramisu and trip to bideford for yummy yarn I have been lusting after for a week now (might not be there anymore :'( ).

There's the plan.

Should probably eat something though too.



Friday, 12 November 2010


The party feels like it's piling on top of me and I am getting quite stressed. We have decided to hire a batman costume, and I am turning the beginnings of the balaclava into... a dress for hello kitty. Not very impressive I know but meh.

I am so stressed I cannot write no more. I might come back later when Jakey is at his dads with boyfriends library card.



Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Christmas Lustiness

Walking into the library today I spotted a book that got me more excited than a bitch in heat at crufts. Christmas in Crochet(TM) Edited by Connie Ellison.

My boyfriend is more than a little concerned. What can I say? Santa gets me hot. But seriously, no. I'm just a little flushed at the idea of making lots of cute little gifts for all my loved ones this Christmas. That's all, for some, the idea of Christmas brings dread, fear and even the horrific humbuggishness. I personally love Christmas. I have even grown into the stage of my life where I don't care what I get given, only that I have done my best to make the Christmas of my loved ones as lovely as I possibly can (feel free to throw up at this point). Oh, it's also important that by two o clock in the afternoon I have eaten so much delicious food that I don't want to move again until New Years.

But enough about my secret love. I am more concerned now about Jake's birthday party. Which is completely planned and totally organised. In my head. In real life, I have just handed out the plainest birthday invitations ever, so that they wouldn't be less than a week in advance, I have a shopping list, and that's it. The batman balaclava is going badly. Mostly because I didn't realise I was supposed to use circular needles. Also slowly, but that's because I am an incredibly slow knitter. At least I can get the Stylecraft Raffia in the right colour on eBay... But that's nothing to do with Jake's birthday unfortunately.

Jake's birthday will sort itself out, I have a lovely play to go to today, with Ambi, and we are going for lunch first, then I get to go to Bideford and spend money on laundry and wool :D Yay!

Every cloud and all that...

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

The Gift of Thanks

So... Volunteering went well. In the sense that none of them listened to a word I said and one of them threw a dart which got embedded in my arm. Still, at least the dart was hand-made.

I feel like such a wuss, Amy asked them to leave which was a blessing, but I actually cried, as if that was going to help in a group of feral young people. As if that wasn't enough, when Amy said he was furthermore banned, the girls who were left protested that they shouldn't ban him because "He's really funny". I cannot portray the anger this makes me feel. To be honest, I cried because I felt, if this is the thanks people get for helping young people nowadays, what is the point? The expression biting the hand's that feed come to mind, but half of them starve themselves to be skinny anyway. Even apathy is dead.

Any way. Enough about that. Crafty stuff :D.

I've finished most of the cross stitch sets I bought for incredibly cheap at the charity shop. One was given to Ambi as her "new home" Card which I gave her along with a pair of oven mittens (They are literally mittens). She said she would frame the card which was very sweet of her. I also finished Jake's cushion. I followed a pattern in one of the library books I have out, but used three strands of (4-ply I think, they were from the scrap bag) Crocheted together on a 6mm hook. He loves it. I used some old blue fabric remnants from a gown I made a couple of years ago and a cushion pad that was laying around with a much less interesting cushion cover on it. No opening though, I hand stitched it all together and didn't have a zip handy (Don't you hate it when you are short one thing to finish a project- I always end up leaving it for ages after that and rarely finish them- which is why I am so determined to break the cycle). It'll be a pain in the arse to wash, but that is tomorrows problems.

Just one more cross stitch (The mother one is already on its way to mum, maybe now she will call me for once), its a violet I think, but I'm not very good with flowers. I need to get some more Aida and threads to do Christmas cards as I am determined to go with the "I am a fantastic housekeeper" thing this year. I'm even thinking about decorating the flat *Pause for reaction* Nothing? Really? Fine. :(

Anyway, I think that's enough for today. Have a pink lacy shawl, cross stitch, headband, blood test and tetanus shot to get through today. Busy. Busy. Busy.



Monday, 8 November 2010

Online craftiness!

I have started this blog to keep the whole word informed about my amazing crafting progress. Ok, maybe not the whole world, but I am simple making an effort to keep track of whatever it is I am doing. Hopefully with crafts, volunteering, and my life in general.

Well the post is quite short, as I only have two minutes left on the timer, but I promise to log on/in tomorrow and write about what I got up to at my volunteering group tonight.
