Monday 21 February 2011


Ok, well mum's in hospital, but she's now on the mend. As much as I want to stay with her, however, the shop is lying empty and it's half term so tomorrow... I have to go to Bude. Not that bad for some, in fact it's a pretty popular holiday destination for many people. Including my parents. Who are now divorced, because my father was such a spectacular twat-bag... Anywho, although filled (sort-of) with people I love (very much), it is a place of dread for me. One that I do not forsee myself coping with too well.

Wish me luck :)

tangled happy: Sweetheart Bracelet

tangled happy: Sweetheart Bracelet: "Roses are red, Violets are blue.This Valentines Day,I'm sharing my Sweetheart Bracelet with all of you."

Found these on tangled happy's blog and I LOVE them. Will have a go at making some tomorrow in the shop methinks :D

Sunday 20 February 2011


It's been a while and I'm sorry, but life has gotten in the way a little. There has been good news and bad, and some news I am as yet ambivalent about, but am sure to form an opinion on any day now...

Christmas went well, had a lovely time with the boyfriend, the child and the mother, overall, a success (we aren't talking about the chicken anymore...). Lovely presents, lovely food, loveliness etc.

The boyfriend has moved in! Hurrah! There is some less hurrah stuff to do with our benefits sorting out, but as soon as we find jobs it won't matter so, meh :) It stressed me out for so long that I have reached a kind of nonchalont apathy about it (Which is a big deal for someone as obsessive as me).

But unfortunately today has been a rather bad day... In fact the past few days have not been the best. I'm trying to make good of it but I do worry that I'm grumpy and horrible to be around as a result of all the stress. Especially when the child tells me he wants to go live with his father. Soul-destroying is a fairly accurate term. We had a chat, and we rang daddy and everything was eventually resolved. It wasn't until later when I asked him if he wanted a sandwich and he reiterated that he wanted to live with Daddy that I realised, that he was probably just doing it to get a reaction. My second reaction ("Don't be silly you live with both of us") was far more successfull than my first (Crying). Only time will tell if this is a permanent issue really.


(Hoping things are going to get better)

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Ok, well we only got back online at home this week so I have not blogged in an attempt to get my mind right and only post truly meaningful and amazingly intelligent things... But I couldn't think of any so here we are.

Ah yes! Valentines day... a day single people (and slightly over defensive couples) seem to loathe. The question on my mind is thus. If you truly hate Valentines day and everything it stands for, IGNORE IT. Think of it as the chldhood bully, pay no attention to it's greedy (and slightly insecure) demands for your attention and it will go away, except in this situation it actually will go away. Unlike the childhood bully. Who probably kicked your head in when you ignored them.

Y'know, with the whole passage of time thing, night will fall, a new day will come and you won't have to worry about it for at least another 364 days. Which brings me to the slightly over defensive couples. First of all, there are the one's who want to convince you that every day of the year, they treat their partner to more love, gifts and neighbour deafness inducing sex than you do in a month, and that Valentine's day is pointless, as if you really cared about your partner, you would buy them chocolates and jewellery every day... I'm sorry but I personally believe, that as a mum, girlfriend, friend and general human being with a life, I'm not going to dedicate every single fucking moment to making my boyfriend happy. I can try my best to never spend a moment making him miserable, but actually, no, I don't think having a special day to honour the person you care about is a bad thing. No more than I think Christmas is a bad thing (which I don't despite not being particularly religious).

(Feeling actually quite happy about things)
